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Janus Management application for Janus and Janus to Janus connections use TLS 1.3.
Yes, key rotation is automatic and does not interrupt resource data path communications.
Yes, every Janus-to-Janus connection uses a unique key.
Yes, as defined in RFC 8446 TLS 1.3 specification.
Yes, Janus has resource data path packet replay protection.
No, Janus cryptographic key management is fully automated, the Janus devices automatically generate keys as needed.
Janus has a REST API interface; the Janus Management application uses this interface.
Yes, the details are in the Janus Instruction Manual.
No, for security reasons Janus’s only management access is through the REST API accessible by the Janus WAN Ethernet interface.
Yes, it is a text .CSV file intended to be easily exported.
Yes, the management REST API is accessible by the Janus WAN Ethernet interface.
During system setup when Janus devices are being deployed a Janus device may only be installed at one end of a connection. Inactive mode allows existing communications to continue to take place until both Janus devices are deployed. Both Janus devices can then be set to Active mode protecting the resources at each end of the connection.
Janus devices report status through the syslog protocol. Janus supports up to 2 syslog servers. One intended to be the Janus Management application that is operational when running the application and the second intended for a user supplied syslog server that is always available.
Status is also available directly through the Janus REST API.
There are 2 Ethernet interfaces, LAN for the protected resource and WAN for general Network.
TCP, UDP, DNS, and NTP packet support.
When a protected resource is making DNS or NTP requests these requests are not encrypted but are masqueraded (IP hidden by substituting Janus management IP) to the WAN.
Percent of baseline is 90% for a 1G connection and 46% for a 10G connection. Obtained using 1 - ((baseline – result) / baseline) formula. Baseline is first measured without Janus and then result is measured with 2 Janus devices in-line. For example, a 1G Network with 941Mbs baseline and 850Mbs result will have 90% throughput of baseline. Measurements were obtained using iperf3 with client command of “iperf3 -c <target IP> -w 400K -4 -t 30”.
100%, the entire packet including the headers is encapsulated and encrypted before being sent to the WAN. The packet on the WAN will use the management IPs of the source and destination Janus devices.
Yes, it will work with both. Janus does not interpret the application-level data. All TCP or UDP protocol requests/responses are sent end to end. For example, a SYN request and ACK response are sent/received resource to resource securely.
Yes, Janus supports one to one or one to many topologies.
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